Advances in Space Research (ASR)

The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth’s surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, Earth observations of space phenomena, etc. Papers presenting the latest space research results, reviewed and edited by experts in the relevant domain, are published in this journal, open to all submissions. ASR is published by Elsevier and included in the Web of Science and the Science Citation Index (SCI).  The 2023 Impact Factor for ASR is 2.8, improving in all categories.

The journal is divided into the following sections:

AD – Astrodynamics and Space Debris:
Satellite dynamics, space dynamics, space debris.
AP – Astrophysics:
Stellar, galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, extra-solar planetary systems, cosmology, particle astrophysics, astrophysical phenomena, neutrino astrophysics, astronomical space missions and instrumentation. The Sun as a star is included in this category.
EM – Earth magnetosphere and Upper Atmosphere:
Upper atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, radiation belts, geomagnetic phenomena, Earth’s magnetic field.
ES – Earth Sciences:
Remote sensing of Earth atmosphere, ocean and land (including Earth observation missions and instrumentation), scientific applications to Earth studies, including meteorology, climate, solid Earth science, geophysical hazards, etc., as well as physical, chemical and biological interactions within the global Earth system.
FM – Fundamental Physics in Space and Microgravity Sciences:
Gravitational physics, microgravity fluids, material and combustion sciences.
SB – Solar System Bodies:
Planetary bodies (i.e. telluric planets, giant planets and dwarf planets); moons (i.e. natural satellites); planetary atmospheres, magnetospheres and ionospheres; trans-neptunian objects; small bodies (i.e. comets, asteroids, interplanetary dust and meteoroids).
SH – Solar and Heliospheric Physics:
Solar activity, solar emissions (photons, particles and plasma), solar cycle, cosmic ray modulation, and processes in the interplanetary medium.
ST – Space Technology, Policy and Education:
Space technology and engineering, space policy, space education and capacity building.
IR – Invited Review Paper:
Review papers invited by Journal Editors.

For more information on the journal’s contents, ordering information, etc., please visit Elsevier’s ASR page.  A complete list of and access to all issues published is available through ScienceDirect.

NB: Elsevier offers free on-line access, through ScienceDirect (click the “View Articles” link) for twelve months to the first issue of the year and free on-line access to special issues, announced on a quarterly basis and freely available in that quarter. 

Click here for Articles in Press, i.e., peer reviewed, accepted articles to be published shortly.  Although Articles in Press do not have all bibliographic details available yet, they can already be cited using the year of online publication and the DOI , as follows: author(s), article title, journal (year), DOI.

Advances in Space Research is published under the supervision of its Editorial Board.

Advances in Space Research top reviewers from 2016 to present.

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Calls for Papers for Special Issues of ASR:


List of recently or soon to be published special issues.

Special Issue Request Form

OpenAccess articles – free to read:

OpenAccess articles – free to read

Information for Authors:

Manuscript Preparation and Submission Guidelines

Additional offprints, individual issues at special rates for authors, article posters, journal cover posters, etc. may be ordered through the Elsevier WebShop.

Copyright policy: COSPAR grants permission for individuals to make single copies for personal use in research, study, or teaching, and to use figures, tables, and short quotes (maximum of 400 words) from this journal for republication in books and journals. Suitable acknowledgement to Advances in Space Research must be given. If any part of the material to be used has appeared in our publication with credit or acknowledgement to another source, permission must also be sought from that source. Obtaining permission to re-use other material from an article can be done by looking up the article on ScienceDirect and clicking on the ‘Get rights and content’ button.

Information for Reviewers:

Reviewers Report Form