Announcements of Opportunity

Announcement of Opportunities for the campaigns, meetings, and development of databases relevant to the PRESTO topics.  To view the PRESTO topics, please visit the website:  Guidelines for these grants are detailed in the attached announcement.   Please contact relevant PRESTO Pillar co-leaders on your proposal and explain the relevance of your proposal to the PRESTO activity. Proposals for markedly interdisciplinary activities can be explained directly to PRESTO chair/co-chairs.  The deadline proposal submission is December 23, 2024.

Posted 15 October 2024

SpinSat Request for Information

SpinSat is a Class-D space platform that enables long-duration exposure to deep-space radiation environments under controlled gravity levels from micro-g to Earth g (as a control) and higher. Easy integration and late payload access are key features; modification of payload radiation environments to mimic those of the moon and Mars are key objectives.

SpinSat Overview Presentation (PDF)

The SpinSat Team at NASA Ames Research Center is seeking input for requirements of potential payloads to enable a spacecraft design that meets the needs of as large a group of researchers as possible.

Requesting Input from Investigators: If you have a payload/experiment concept that could be accommodated on SpinSat, we would like to know your overall objectives and science requirements, and if you are able, the requirements that your experiment will place on the platform. We ask that your response represent a specific experiment concept (i.e. not general envelope requirements); however, there is no need to provide precise experimental details, science aims, or any other competition-sensitive information. We are primarily seeking information relevant to interfaces and capabilities of the SpinSat platform.

Requesting Input from Hardware Providers: SpinSat is also interested in learning of interest and capabilities of hardware providers who could provide payload systems to accommodate the various types of experiments that are anticipated as part of the SpinSat capability suite.  Payload providers should also provide rationale and justification for why their organization can meet the intent of the SpinSat architecture.

Providing us information on your requirements now will help us better ensure that SpinSat will ultimately meet the needs of your payload!

Those interested in submitting information, follow the instructions in the RFI posted on

Posted 26 August 2024

Announcement of Opportunity in the EnVision mission (ESA-SCI-DIR-AO-009)

Scientists based in ESA Member States and the USA are invited to apply for the Interdisciplinary Scientist positions in the EnVision mission. EnVision is an interdisciplinary mission to the planet Venus, led by ESA and carried out in partnership with NASA. The primary goal is to provide a holistic view of Venus, from its inner core up to the upper atmosphere, to understand why Earth’s closest neighbour is so different.
The deadline for receipt of mandatory Letters of Intent is 30 July 2024 at 12:00 (noon) CEST and the deadline for submission of proposals is 24 September 2024 at 12:00 (noon) CEST.

Posted 24 June 2024

AHEAD2020 Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 7, deadline 16 February 2024

The AHEAD2020 (Integrated Activities for High Energy Astrophysics*) calls for a program of transnational visits and remote access activities to be performed starting ~ April to October 2024. The main objectives are: 1) fostering new or strengthening existing collaborations on science and technology topics  in high energy astrophysics; 2) providing access free of cost to selected European astronomical institutes and data centres for support in high energy and multimessenger data analysis, and in computational astrophysics; 3) providing access free of cost to some of the best European ground test and calibration facilities relevant for high-energy astrophysics.  Visitor grants include full reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses. The possibility of remote access for a number of services in the area of data analysis, tools and computational astrophysics will be also provided.

Posted 17 January 2024

ISSI/ISSI-BJ 2024 Joint Call for Proposals for International Teams in Space and Earth Sciences.  Deadline 14 March 2024.

Posted 15 January 2024

The Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University, Japan, has announced an opportunity of:

02)ISEE International Joint Research Program: ISEE supports foreign researchers to visit ISEE to make joint research with ISEE researchers.
03)  ISEE International Workshop:  ISEE supports organizing small international workshops on focused topics related to the Space-Earth environmental research
10) Carbon 14 Analysis Service:   ISEE performs carbon 14 analysis on samples commissioned by researchers
11) SCOSTEP Visiting Scholar (SVS) program: ISEE supports young scientists who apply for the SVS program. ISEE is a host institute of the SVS program
14) International Technical Exchange Program:  ISEE supports International Technical Exchanges between researchers and technical staffs at ISEE and other universities or research institutes
15) ISEE International School Support : ISEE supports organizing International School for students and early career scientists on focused topics related to the Space-Earth environmental research

Please also refer to the following PDF file for information of each category:

Application forms and  link to JROIS are found at

Posted 2 December 2023

“Announcement of Opportunity” to submit Guest Observer proposals for observations to be performed with the JAXA/NASA/ESA X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM). Full details can be found at

Posted 20 November 2023

Four opportunities open under the Access to Space for All initiative, the UNOOSA flagship activity to support space technology capacity-building.

Posted 11 October 2023

Announcement of Opportunities for the campaigns, meetings, and development of databases relevant to the PRESTO topics in 2024 which is the last year of the 5-year PRESTO program.  To view the PRESTO topics, please visit the website:  The deadline for application is December 22, 2023.

Posted 10 October 2023

The EISCAT Scientific Association invites applications for observing time on the EISCAT facilities in 2024, by individual scientists, research groups, and consortia throughout the world on equal, competitive basis. This means that anyone can apply, independent of whether or not the applicant is from an EISCAT associate country.  Deadline for applications is 1 November 2024 at 24:00 UTC.

Posted 10 October 2023

AHEAD2020 Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 6, deadline 1 September 2023

Posted 30 July 2023

NASA and ESA  invite individuals to apply for membership in  the Mars Sample Return (MSR) Sample Receiving Project (SRP) Measurement Definition Team 1 (MDT-1). More details here.

Posted 26 June 2023

AHEAD2020 Announcement of Opportunity Cycle 5, deadline 28 February 2023

Posted 8 February 2023