Space Science Award

The COSPAR Award honors a scientist who has made outstanding contributions to space science. All scientists working in any field covered by COSPAR are eligible for this award.  From 2018 the IAU has named a minor planet for each COSPAR award recipient.  The number of the minor planet appears below in parentheses. 

Rosine Lallement

Previous recipients

2024 Rosine Lallement (5447)
2022 James W. Head, III (10110) and Alan Title (10113)
2020 William J. Borucki (7864) and Ken McCracken (8258)
2018 Jean-Pierre Bibring (18113) and Bruce T. Tsurutani (6313)
2016 Charles L. Bennett and Anatoly I. Grigoriev
2014 David J. McComas and Jean-Loup Puget
2012 Janet Luhmann
2010 Günther Hasinger and Steven W. Squyres
2008 George Gloeckler and Ken Pounds
2006 Eberhard Gruen and Atsuhiro Nishida
2004 Jacques E. Blamont and Vasily I. Moroz
2002 Stamatios M. Krimigis and Christopher T. Russell
2000 Roger M. Bonnet and Donald M. Hunten
1998 Catherine Cesarsky and Marcia Neugebauer
1996 Norman F. Ness and Minoru Oda
1994 Gerhard Haerendel and Joachim E. Trümper
1992 Edward C. Stone Jr.
1990 John A. Simpson
1988 Konstantin I. Gringauz and S.L. Mandelshtam
1986 Ludwig F. Biermann
1984 James A. Van Allen

Nomination requirements, form, and citations for the most recent award recipients.