COSPAR for Education

The Committee on Space Research is pleased to announce the launch of an ambitious series of space science education projects through its Panel on Education, starting with participation in two Erasmus+ programmes. This is part of the COSPAR Panel on Education’s new approach to its mission of developing “means and media to encourage and spread space-related education”.

One of the programmes, The EXpeditionary Program for Learning OppoRtunities in Analog Space Exploration (EXPLORE) is coordinated by the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF), aiming to invite students to engage in activities similar to existing analog missions that simulate Moon or Mars environments. Visit the project website at:

EXPLORE Facebook account


The second project, The StudenTs As plaNetary Defenders (StAnD), coordinated by the Italian Istituto nazionale di astrofisica (INAF), aims to engage primary and secondary school students in the subject of asteroids, meteors, and planetary defence. Visit the project website at:

StAnD Facebook account

Latest StAnD Newsletter here.

In both projects, educators will receive training to deliver curriculum content and improve their knowledge of digital solutions, as well as student-centred, inclusive, equitable and accessible methodologies while implementing the project.

Summer Schools in Marathon, Greece have just taken place for EXPLORE and StAnD, and we’ll be bringing you more news of these very soon.

Group photo of trainers and participants
at the EXPLORE and StAnD summer schools
held in Marathon, Greece, July 2024.