COSPAR Strategic Action Plans

In the fall of 2018 COSPAR undertook a thorough examination of how best to accomplish its Mission on behalf of its constituents and stakeholders. The Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023 resulting from this examination directed a series of actions by the leaders and volunteers of COSPAR that would establish COSPAR’s unique importance for each of its constituents and stakeholders. The Plan contains detailed actions for the community, all of which are in compliance with the Principles of COSPAR.

In March 2023 the President of COSPAR invited 30+ Scientific Commission, Panel and Task Group Chairs, and several key experts and COSPAR supporters to discuss the impact of the Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023 and critically survey Key Performance Indicators of COSPAR activities. The latest Strategic Action Plan 2024-2028 was then drafted, a dynamic document covering all areas of the COSPAR community and providing clear guidance of the way forward for COSPAR for the next five years.

Strategic Action Plan 2024-2028 (Link)

Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023 (Link)