COSPAR in the Media

Media Date Country Type Location Description
NASA news release July 2024 International Web Link NASA Deputy Administrator Strengthens Ties in Japan, Republic of Korea
2023 December 2023 International Web Link Erasmus+ and COSPAR collaborate to bring asteroid studies into classrooms
Frontiers May 2023 International Web Link Planetary protection: an international concern and responsibility May 2023 International Web Link The COSPAR Satellite for advanced Earth science research enjoys collaboration from 5 countries
Lianhe Zaobao April 2023 Singapore Web PDF Singapore 15th Asian country to join International Space Research Committee (in Chinese)
CNA April 2023 Singapore Web/TV Video Short TV report and interview on Singapore joining COSPAR
Open Access Government October 2022 International Web Link Article OAG #4 on COSPAR Panel on Education
South China Morning Post September 2022 International Web PDF Article on TGCSS
AstrotalkUK podcast September 2022 UK Web Link At COSPAR2022 Prof. Krimigis is interviewed about his career July 2022 USA Web Link Article “JWST on the hunt for supermassive black holes” July 2022 USA Web Link Article “Voyager turns 45” July 2022 Greece Web Link Article (in Greek) on COSPAR Athens 2022: Press conference on our solar system July 2022 Greece Web Link Interview (in Greek) with Dr M. K. Georgoulis:”1st analyses of JWST images made in Athens”
Open Access Government April 2022 International Web Link Article OAG #3 on COSPAR PEDAS Panel
Le Blob April 2022 France Web Link Article (in French) “Après l’invasion de l’Ukraine, le spatial européen face à la question de son autonomie”
MUCEM Podcast
(Episode 7)
February 2022 France Web Link Debate (in French)”Conquête spatiale: l’humanité se projette à la recherche d’une planète B”
Open Access Government September 2021 International Web Link Article OAG #2 on update to planetary protection policy re: the Moon (‘Fly me to the Moon…’)
Open Access Government September 2021 International Web Link COSPAR stakeholder page in ‘Open Access Government’
France Culture 24 July 2021 France Radio Link Debate: the pragmatic view: economic development, yes; Far West, no!
Open Access Government June 2021 International Web Link Article OAG #1 on Planetary Protection Panel and role of COSPAR in PP
Research Outreach May 2021 International Web Video YouTube video (COSPAR and RO channels)
(Le Figaro) 14 April 2021 International Web Link Translated English version
Le Figaro 14 April 2021 France Web Link Comments on Biden’s FY2022 request
Assemblée Nationale 12 April 2021 France Web Link Audition by parliamentary commission on foreign affairs
Research Outreach August 2020 UK, Intal Web



Article on planetary protection basics
France Culture 20 July 2020 France Radio Link Round table : Who can exploit space resources ?